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Provision of Solar Satellite Data and TMY Datasets.

The development of bankable resource datasets for solar projects can be a lengthy process. In order to properly assess the inter-annual variability of the solar resource and other parameters, the security of quality long-term solar satellite data time-series is essential. SSS can provide you with data of the quality and resolution you require.

In order to derive a dataset of a representative Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) for each site for financial modeling and system design, it is recommended to correct the satellite data with ground measurement data. SSS developed methodologies and tools to adequately perform this task for any type of solar radiation and technology under consideration.

You will be provided with sound P50, P75, P90 and P95 TMY datasets based on a professional uncertainty assessment to include in your financial modeling. Reduce the uncertainties in financing by getting robust models with our independent assessments.

Please contact us to discuss our approach and find out what we can do for you as an individual or organisation.

solar satellite data